2024 Fall: Tournament Structure


  • Current Structure is to be determined.  Clubs will have the opportunity to play 2-4 games in a weekend (depending on amount of teams registered)

Age Categories

  • Grade 8/9 JH (Jr High )- Girls & Boys
  • HS (High School) - Grade 10,11 & 12 Girls & Boys

All participating athletes must be in their respective Grades for the 2024/2025 School year.  Players can play in Grade divisions that are older but not younger.  Example, a player in Grade 8, can not play in the Grade 6/7 Division no matter what the age of the player is.  That player could only play in the Grade 8/9 Division or the High School Division


The goal is to create match-up with other teams that will allow for competitive games.  This does not always happen but we are always striving to have the best match-ups possible

Game Rules (Fall Events)

We will default to FIBA rules except for the following modifications:

Team Rosters

  • Players can not play for more than one basketball club in the same weekend in the same F.C.E. tournament
  • If a team is short players and would like to "call up" player(s) from another team from their club, they can do so under the following conditions:
    • The player meets the Grade requirement (not overage)
    • The team that is calling up the player, has a maximum of 8 players WHICH INCLUDES the called up player(s).  There is no reason to call players to help a team if they already have 8 players playing.  The reason to call players is because you have 7 or less players able to play in the game.


Modified Game Time & Rules

2024 RULES

2 x 24 Minute Halves 

Clock Stops for the following reason:

  • Foul Shots
  • Last 2 Minutes of 2nd Half IF the game is less than a 10 point separation. 

Free Throws

Regular Shooting Foul 

Getting fouled on a regular 2 or 3 point attempt and the shooter does not make the basket - the shooter is awarded 1 FREE THROW worth 2 or 3 POINTS (depending on the shot attempt).  Clock stops to take the free throw

Getting fouled on a regular 2 or 3 point attempt and the shooter MAKES the basket - the team is awarded the basket and the shooter is awarded 1 FREE THROW worth 1 point.

Clock stops to take the free throw


A team is in Bonus on their 8th team foul in the half.  The opposing team will receive 1 FREE THROW worth 2 points


Halftime will consist of a 3 minute break

Time Outs (60 seconds)

1 x Timeout in the first half

2 x Timeouts in the second half

Please note:

As per C.B.O.A. rules, a player or coach who received a game injection, must sit out the following game.